Helpful Management

The Daoust family values having a supportive management within the company. Balancing the pursuit of efficiency with maintaining a humane approach is the responsibility of every manager.
Being a family business for 70 years doesn’t just involve fostering friendly relationships with our customers and employees; it primarily means prioritizing people. Even if we knew of alternative approaches, we wouldn’t adopt them. Each member of the Daoust Family is the starting point of our considerations and an essential pillar of our development.
We are fundamentally convinced that the health of our company depends on dialogue, active listening, and, above all, appreciation for each individual.
No magical potion is needed to have a creative team ready to tackle all challenges. A satisfied employee is one who stays. Therefore, we invest daily in the well-being of our employees.
By the way, here are two books written by Giles Daoust that explore the various aspects of a human-scale corporate culture and provide advice on implementing it.