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Daoust Green

Although our color is red, it doesn’t prevent us from thinking green!


Aware of the ecological footprint that a company with more than 70 JobCenters can have, we are taking measures to reduce it. At the headquarters alone, we have invested in smart thermostats, solar panels and green energy for all our spaces.


Efforts that are paying off because:

  • In 2024, Daoust was officially certified by EcoVadis, the global standard for CSR assessments – a major reward for our ongoing CSR efforts. The Ecovadis methodology assesses CSR performance through 21 indicators divided into four themes: environment; human and labour rights; ethics; and a responsible purchasing policy. This certification places us in the top 35% of companies assessed worldwide over the last 12 months.

  • In 2023, Daoust earned the CO2 Neutral label for the entire company. Following an audit conducted at the national level for the year 2022, we developed a reduction action plan for our footprint with CO2Logic/South Pole. This enabled us to achieve the CO2 Neutral label at the Silver level. This label, certified by CO2logic/South Pole and validated by Vinçotte, is awarded to organizations that calculate, reduce, and offset their climate impact.

We offset all our CO² emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by supporting a project in Malawi to improve the lives of hundreds of families. This project is providing access to drinking water by distributing and installing more than 3,700 chlorine dispensers in rural areas.  This will not only protect the health of these families, but also increase their quality of life and protect hundreds of hectares of forest!

  • In 2022, Daoust obtained the CO2 Neutral label for its head office and offset all of its head office emissions by supporting a project in Rwanda.
  • In 2015, the “Ecodynamic Company” label was awarded as evidence of the measures taken for internal environmental management.

But that’s not all! As we don’t do things by halves, here are some other concrete actions:

  • Solar panels: We’ve installed 75 solar panels at our Brussels headquarters! This installation is part of our contract to supply all our JobCenters with 100% green, 100% Belgian energy.
  • Responsible Purchases: We prioritize the green aspect in all our purchases: refurbished computer equipment, local suppliers, recycled paper, reusable bags, water bottles, cups, etc.
  • Second Life for Our Multimedia Equipment: Thanks to our partnerships with aSmartWorld and Digital For Youth, all our computers, screens, and smartphones are recovered instead of being discarded.
  • Paperless: Thanks to our e-tools, our Paperless JobCenters, and raising awareness among our clients about electronic Service Vouchers, we minimize our paper usage as much as possible.
  • Compensation for Our Paper Prints: Because becoming 100% paperless is easier said than done, Daoust has found a green alternative since 2019 through PrintReleaf. They calculate our paper consumption and automatically replant the equivalent in trees.
  • Greening of our offices and JobCenters: Green energy for all our offices, monitoring of our offices’ consumption via our “Energy Manager”, use of sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials for the renovations we undertake, installation of solar panels on the roof of our head office…
  • Mobility Policy: Electrification of the car fleet and promotion of soft mobility and the benefits offered by Daoust for it.

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