Charities & CSR

Conscious of its societal role, Daoust annually supports various projects that align with its values. Our commitment is diverse: environmental awareness through our Daoust Green policy; diversity management, as evidenced by our Daoust Diversity charter; guidance and coaching projects for job seekers in collaboration with the public and non-profit sectors, and so on. These commitments naturally reflect our values, of which the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) department is the spokesperson.
Daoust is also proud to be certified by Ecovadis, the global standard for CSR assessments. This assessment covers 21 indicators divided into 4 themes: environment; human and labour rights; ethics; and a responsible purchasing policy. Of all the companies that were assessed in the 12 months prior to certification, Daoust ranked in the top 35%. This certification is a great recognition for our ongoing CSR efforts.