Career Management
Career Support and Management Solutions
Best Career Transition Company
In 2017, we were awarded the title of Best Career Transition Company at the HR Excellence Awards 2017. This award recognizes Belgian HR companies that excel in terms of innovation,achievements and added value to their clients. Needless to say, you’re in good hands!
Investing in the management of your career or that of your employees is about giving yourself every advantage. Because let’s face it, the world is evolving and so are you. A corporate career often involves facing choices, challenges, or changes that typically require support and guidance. Daoust Career Management is here to assist you. It is therefore essential to ensure well-being and satisfaction in order to be, remain, or become a motivated collaborator, in a pleasant work environment infused with positivity.
So, what exactly does this entail?
We offer coachings for comprehensive career management including outplacement, job coaching, inplacement, skills assessments, professional (re)orientation, soft skills improvement, employment training, change management, personal coaching, training, and more.
Daoust Career Management in numbers
Assistance in your career goals on two fronts:

Daoust Outplacement
Facing a layoff? This situation is never pleasant… But where some may see failure, we see an opportunity.

Daoust Jobcoaching
Daoust offers free assistance in partnership with Actiris and Le Forem, or a range of personalized and diverse training programs tailored to your needs. Discover more here.

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Career Management
Career Management, Outplacement, JobCoaching